Please send your news item to Jean Borgeson at
April 4, 2016
Upcoming events: The Rippey fire department will hold an open house Saturday, April 9, from 9 am to noon at the fire station. This will be an opportunity to meet and thank the Rippey firemen who respond to the emergency needs of the community. The fire trucks and equipment will be on display. The rain date will be April 16.
The local department organized on Oct. 11, 1911 and formally adopted by-laws at the Nov. 10, 1911 meeting.
Rippey Lions Club meeting April 7: The Rippey Lions Club will hold its regular meeting Thursday, April 7, beginning at 7 pm with a potluck meal coordinated by Dale and Nancy Hanaman. Prior to the meeting at 6:30 pm, the executive committee will meet to work on a slate of officers for the 2016-2017 year. Dianne Blackmer, coordinator for the Greene County Christian Action Resource Center in Jefferson, will present the program following a short business meeting.
Rippey public library: Librarian Andrea Williams. Phone: 515.436.7714; Website:; E-mail:
HOURS: Monday 1-6 pm; Tuesday 1:40-5:30 pm; Wednesday 3 to 8 pm; Thursday 12-6 pm.
Until the Rippey library board of trustees hires a new librarian, the library will be staffed by volunteers. Please have patience during the hiring process. Library board members are Dale Hanaman, Jo Bardole, Nancy Burrow, Carmen Mccolley and Jean Borgeson.
Greene County Reads slated for Thursday, April 7: The historical fiction book “Sisters of Shiloh” by Kathy and Becky Hepenstall is the selection for the 2016 Greene County Reads book discussions.
Jan Scharingson will again lead the discussions held at the Grand Junction public library at 9 am, the Paton public library at 2 pm, and the Jefferson public library at 7 pm.
All the libraries have the book, so join the discussion of your choice.
Rippey United Methodist Church: PO Box 286, 103 West Main St. Rippey, IA 50235. Pastor: Paul Burrow. Phone: 515-436-7731
Adult Sunday school at 9:45 am. Worship service at 11 am. Every Tuesday: quilters 9 am, coffee and fellowship 10 am – everyone welcome.
Thursday, April 7 – Ladies Aid meets at 2 pm in the church.
Sunday, April 10 – Change a Child’s Story event, 2 pm, Perry UMC; Perry Fine Arts presents “Musica Antiqua” at Perry Performing Arts Center; 5 pm, SPLASH middle school youth at Grand Junction; 6:30 pm – THUG high school youth at Rippey.
Rippey Lions Club honors fathers and sons: The Rippey Lions Club honored fathers and sons on April 2 at their annual banquet, held at the Rippey United Methodist Church at noon. Dick Bardole, president, welcomed the group and after the Pledge of Allegiance, Roy Bardole offered the invocation.
The pulled pork sandwich, corn, and cheesy potatoes was prepared by chefs Kevin and Mary Hick, with volunteers from the church and two guests, Cheri Kersey and her friend Margo, who were wonderful help, cutting the brownies and helping clean up!
After everyone had their fill, they adjourned to the sanctuary for the program.
Pastor Paul Burrow welcomed the fathers with a tribute about his journey in having a son in his life. Paul’s son Tim responded on behalf of the sons, with kind words about fathers, his in particular.
Lions Cub member Myron Rinker was in charge of the recognitions.
LaVere Derry, age 85, had the honor of being the oldest father in attendance, followed by Eugene Muir, who is a mere 83. The youngest son was Corbyn Bradley, who is 8 months. Steve Muir, from Wayne, NE, travelled the farthest.
Eugene Muir was proud to have four generations attending, including, sons Steve and Curt Muir, grandsons C. J. Muir, Travis Kersey and Nick Muir, and great-grandson Merrick Muir.
Phil Roberts was equally proud to have four generations represented, including son Chris, grandson-in-law Cory Bradley, great-grandsons Camden and Corbyn Bradley, and Dominik Roberts.
Rather than the traditional carnation, the Lions club gave each a carpenter’s pencil, donated by Stokley Lumber in Perry, and Tri-County Lumber in Jefferson.
Rick Fazel provided entertainment, accompanying himself on the guitar, as he sang many older, familiar tunes. One Lions Club member remarked as he was leaving, “I enjoyed the program so much, but the songs dated me!” In other words, they triggered good memories of long ago.
Family pictures were taken and some lingered, visiting with each other for a couple more hours.
News in and around Rippey: Gary and Mary Weaver hosted Easter dinner at their home for David, Emily, and Ada Weaver of Rippey. They were joined by Dean and Ellen Weaver of Boone, and Kathy Weaver. Ada was excited as the Easter Bunny had been to Grandma’s house. She found the eggs quickly, along with a stuffed bunny. Her parents re-hid the eggs for her throughout the afternoon.
Kelsey Blanshan of Ankeny and Terry and Diane Ostendorf and their childrenn Ben, Michaela and Madelyn of Madrid, were Easter guests in the home of their mother and grandmother, Virgene Morse. Kevin and Delores Blanshan of Waterloo were unable to attend and sent their regrets.On Sunday, April 3, the Ostendorf family helped Virgene celebrate her 85th birthday. Terry and Ben also spent some time at the parental Dick and Sharon Ostendorf home south of Jefferson, where they fixed a fence that was damaged this week by a wayward driver.
Eleanor Whiton of Perry accompanied Jean Borgeson to the Greene County Historical dinner in Cooper on Friday, April 1. The program on Greene County coal mines was coordinated by Mary Weaver and she and others shared memories and memorabilia. Eleanor, who will be 96 in August, was very interested, as she grew up knowing the people who either owned or worked in the mines in the Rippey area. The ride back to Perry was interesting with Eleanor relating stories about those families, as she was in school with the children of the miners.